Sunday, August 1, 2010

Love is Unpredictable

Its been along time since I have posted...
But I can't seem to get by these days with out breaking down.

Why is it that I can go 2 years with out having legitimate feelings for someone and then the second I do they walk out of my life...

Not that it matters, I mean, she is straight...and 16. But hey feelings are feelings right.

I knew that this would happen... that is why I chose not to talk to her before.

But she initiated it...and I couldn't stop....and talking can't hurt so whatever.

But no. Here I go falling for someone completely off fucking limits.

I don't even care about that... its the fact that there is a 90% chance that I will never see her again. fml. really. can't I just not ever have feelings for anyone? That would make my life so much easier right now... words can not describe the feelings I am having, and I don't think that I can cry anymore than I have.

Seriously. This week was bad enough.. I didn't need this to top it off.

I just love getting kicked when I am down.

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